Disintegrator and development of road-making machines
The leader of the project is METRIPOND-M93, while the cutting supplier of that was POR-FÉM Kft. The prize of innovation development was a disintegrator which can be driven by a 18 horsepower tractor and it can also handle 12 centimetres of thickness of a tine. Up to this point, they could realize 8 pieces for 6 million Forints. The product cope with its prize with the similar supply of the world in quality and also in reliability. The local government of Hódmezővásárhely took part in testing too.
The company had resort to wage support from the Labour Center in value of 1 million Forint. Currently, they are working in cooperation with Lemeztechnika company and they produce road-making machines, land milling machines, oil and cistern to these machines and all of these are meant to German market.
Project INTEC:
The following members got assignments through mediation of the merchandising partner of Hód Iparos Klaszter, Intec Austria Kft. : MET HUNGARY Kft., Fémtechnika Vasipari Kft., Vincze Gyula entrepreneur. They got assignments in a value of 12 million Forints.