Public lighting and overhead-cable ear steelcolumns
The steelcolumns – with different power lamps – are used for public lighting in places where power-supply must be solved by cables. Type E and EK are also used for holding overhead cables.
Technical specifications:
The main parameters of the public lighting and overhead cables steelcolumns correspond with the parameters of Electricity Sector Scheme (VÁT-H7) which was published by Power-Station and Networkplanner Company.
Public lighting steelcolumns:
- Normal steelcolumns:
Normal steelcolumns are suitable for bearing the burden of lamps and lateral forces. Small-surfaced traffic control boards, advertisements can be placed on trunks.
- relieved –structured normal steelcolumns:
These products are specifically suitable for holding of lamps and bearing of the burden of lateral forces. These are made in patten screwed structure.
Configuration: trunk with base ironing and head kit which can be screwed to it.
- NS polygon columns:
The transverse section of steelcolumns are octagon, the shape of trunks are pyramid which consist of 2 curved plate superficies. The body of column is stemmed design which can be fixed to the well-based base ironing.
Public lighting steelcolumns and overhead-cable ear steelcolumns
- Type „E” enhanced steelcolumn:
The enhanced steelcolumn, besides lateral forces and quantity of lamp body, is suitable for the bearing of 15 kN amount horizontal way power in the height of 8 metres.
Configuration: trunk and manifold base which is welded with that, plus head kit which can be fixed to the end of trunk.
- „EK” type specially enhanced steelcolumn:
The specially enhanced steelcolumn, besides lateral forces and quantity of lamp body, is suitable for the bearing of 20 kN horizontal way power in the height of 10 metres.
Configuration: trunk and manifold base which is welded with that, plus head kit which can be fixed to the end of trunk.
Improved version of that are advertisement supporting pillars which are made till the height of 16-25 metres.
Traffic lights supporting pillar:
It was improved from type „E” and „EK” columns, it’s shape is circle transverse section taper steelcolumn. These are made with cantilever or flatbed design, painted or fire speltered structure. The stabilization can happen in manifold or sole screwed structure
Unique steelcolumns:
Steelcolumns are made according to the demands of procurer. These are statically checked steelcolumns.
Configuration description:
Taper of trunk is 1,5 %, in case of eased structure columns are 1 %. Quality of welt: MSZ EN 729-3
Quality of material: S235 JRN (prior sign FE 235 B) Special strained products are made according to the demands of procurer from S275 JRN material.
Protection of surface:
It is provided with temporary corrosion protection. Fire speltered structure. Painted according to the demands of procurer.
Kit support: All the structural elements, which are needed to work light, are placed behind the door on a fixed support. The door can be closed with an artificer lock.
Lamp support: You can choose from types, forms which can be found at head kits. Things can be made with unique design according to the demands of procurer. The end of column structure is a head kit type which can be fixed to the body of column on the exact place.
Building in: The procurer or operator does the line-up, the concrete and maintenance of columns. The foundation sizes are available only for information. In case of bad quality land, peat, flimsy sand, an expert must be asked and the foundation must be done according to the ground and soil situation.
Producer: Fémtechnika Vasipari Kft.