G és G Növényvédelmi Kft.
The enterprise was the first Hungarian company specializing in plant protection services, established in 1982. It performs railway weed control on open track using weed control trains, while on station rails they use 'amphibian' Mercedes-Unimog vehicles. In both settings, spraying is accomplished by computer controlled spraying equipment.
In addition to chemical protection, mechanical weed and shrub control also has a significant role. It is carried out with Hidrot adapters installed on Unimog vehicles, RASANT machines and hand-operated machines. This activity can be completed with chemical treatment in the same working process, which prevents re-sprouting of the vegetation.
Furthermore, they apply a comprehensive control procedure against egger moth (HYPHCU), dodder (Cuscuta SPP), Guinea-grass (SORGHA) and other dangerous weeds, rodents and warehouse pests.
Environmental protection and reduction of the environmental load are essential requirements during their activities. They also put an emphasis on technical and technological achievements that make their job easier. To meet these objectives, they carry out developments relying on a high-level professional background that also meets the legal requirements pertaining to plant protection services.
ISO 9001:2000 audited firm (2002)
Hód Iparos Klaszter Menedzsment (HU,EN)